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NPS Customer Loyalty Index (Net Promoter Score)

The NPS loyalty index is not a reliable financial indicator of the company's future financial growth.

What does a company's customer loyalty index (NPS) value?

how satisfied your customer is after interacting with your company
whether the service the client encountered was successful
how satisfied is the client with the individual process
satisfied with the service or product

Why and which companies need to measure NPS?

A lot has been written and said that it costs 5-6 times more to attract a new client than to keep an old one. So, all companies need to take care of their current customers, take into account their expectations about the product and the price for it, about the level of service. And to respond quickly when customer expectations did not materialize. Because:

A loyal customer attracts 10 new customers just recommending your company for FREE.
a loyal customer will not go to competitors due to the fact that you have increased the price or a wide choice of products
A loyal customer will be happy to share constructive criticism with you, because he wants the company to which he is better than the rest.
he will buy from you and not from competitors when the need arises

NPS Evaluation Methods

To collect complete information, you need to use both quantitative and qualitative methods.

Surveys (a questionnaire is compiled, to get the most complete picture of customer satisfaction)
focus groups (during which better-quality ideas of the company's customers about service and work satisfaction are revealed).

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