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Population surveys as methods of collecting information

Personal interviews (CATI and PAPI)

CATI - when the interviewer during the survey fills in the data on a tablet, laptop or smartphone

PAPI - when the interviewer records the received answers on a paper questionnaire


The interviewer is a specially trained person who communicates with the Respondent strictly according to the questionnaire.

The respondent is a person who voluntarily shares his opinion on the survey topic.

During a personal interview, the Respondent answers not only the questions of the questionnaire, but also looks through special cards and visual materials.

Personal interviews can be held in crowded places, retail outlets, in business centers, at the place of work.

What business problem solves?

determines the attitude of consumers to the product or service
measures brand awareness and popularity
Segments customers by customer behavior or preferences
analyzes the effectiveness of the advertising campaign
measures opinion about the price and determines the optimal value of the product or service

Depending on the objectives of the study, using the survey, you can get data on the motives, preferences, values ​​of consumers. Make useful conclusions, build forecasts and build a sound marketing strategy for business management.

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